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Nov 1, 2013

This story is about a little girl who had a orange handkerchief that flies away with the wind. After some time, the handkerchief turns into different things and comes right back to her.

Una niña tenía un pañuelo de color naranja que se fue con el viento. Después de algún tiempo, el pañuelo se convertio en...

Oct 1, 2013

Hubo un pavo real que le gustaba hablar de su belleza. Un dia vio a una grua y le pidio que le miraba, pero la grua no le hizo caso. Despues de unos dias de tratar de llamar la atencion de las gruas y no tener exito se puso enojado.  El Pavo Real se quedo sorprendido con la respuesta de las gruas.

There once was a...

Sep 1, 2013

Te has preguntado porque es que los lobos aullaban a la luna? Disfrutan de este cuento folklorico sobre La Luna, El Sol y su Lobito.

Have you ever wondered why wolves howl at the moon? To find out, enjoy this folkloric tale about The Moon, The Sun and their...

Sep 1, 2013

The largest egg in Mother Duck's nest was the last to hatch. The young duckling was very large and very ugly. Wherever he went he was ignored because he was so ugly. When the warm sunshine of spring came after a long hard winter, the young duckling looked at his reflection in the water and realized that he wasn't an...

Aug 1, 2013

En este cuento moderno un niño crea un libro de su imaginación.  In this modern folktalke, a child creates an imaginary book.